About Us

Our mission is to provide the highest quality, objective information for management decision making. Market research and employee opinion research are our sole activities. We enable informed Marketing and HR decision making. Areas range from market sizing, product positioning, new product development, pricing, competitor analysis, customer relationship management to communication audits, employee satisfaction and retention.

As a 'full service' agency, we employ a complete range of survey vehicles. We are equally happy in qualitative research (in-depth research concerned with the explanation and understanding of human motivation/attitudes/behaviour) and quantitative research (larger scale survey work concerned with measurement and description). In fact, we are often at our best in blending the two components.

We are a completely independent agency.

Most of our work is concerned with Customer Relationship Management but we also have a reputation for employee opinion research. Examples are shown on our Services page.

All of our solutions are research based.

As specialists in the provision of research data, we have developed unique expertise in applying research tools to pinpoint 'buyer behaviour' in business-to-business and consumer markets.

The business was co-founded by Martin Clayton and Mike Reed in early 1989. For more information please refer to the People page.

What's different about us?